Pakistan 1947 Definitives
Issue Date: 1st October 1947
Even before independence, the question of introducing Pakistan postage stamps on the day of establishment of Pakistan (14th August1947) was examined. Due to complications accompanying the designing and printing of new postage stamps and the limited period then available, it was decided that the postage stamps and postal stationery to be used by the Government of Pakistan should, in the first instance, be distinguished by over-printing Indian postage stamps and stationery with the word Pakistan. They were over–printed by government presses in Pakistan .The over-printed Indian postage stamps became very popular with the philatelists all over the world .Rubber–stamping or hand printing was never allowed; postage stamps bearing rubber over prints are, therefore unauthorized .
Total 19 stamps were issued which are shown in following pages. Collective list of all stamps can be found on summary page. The above stamps have following denominations and colours:
1a.3p. bistre.
1½a. dull violet.
2a. vermilion.
3a. bright violet.
3½a. bright blue.
1 Re. gray and red brown.
2 Rs. purple and brown.
5 Rs. green and blue.
10 Rs purple and claret. (missing)
25 Rs. slate violet and purple. (missing)
These are stamps of following denominations and colours:
3p. salate.
½a. purple.
9p. green.
1a. carmine.
4a. brown.
6a. turquoise-blue.
8a. slate-violet.
12a. lake.
The first series of postage stamps, issued Pakistan, were devoted to the commemoration of independence. They were released on the 9th July 1948 and comprise four values. The Independence commemoratives were withdrawn from sale with effect from 1stOctober 1959.
Date of Issue : 1948 July 9
Perforations : 13, 14 or 11
Design : A Chughtal
Printer : De La Rue
Print Process : Recess
The first serried of Pakistan postage stamps were issued on the first anniversary of Independence (14th August, 1948). The stamps in twenty denominations were printed by Messrs. Thomas De La Rue & Co, Ltd. London, by the “Taille Douce” printing process. These stamps were divided into seven categories; each represented a separate design.
Stamps of the denominations of 3-pie, 6-pie,1-anna,1½-anna,2-anna,3-anna,4-anna and 8-anna, Re. 1/-, Rs.2/- , Rs. 5/- and Rs. 10/- of this series were overprinted “Service” for official use.
1 anna, 1½ anna and 2 annas stamps in blue, dark green, and red respectively have the Crescent and Star as their motif with (Perf. 12½), (Perf. 12½) and (Perf. 12½) respectively
6as., 8as. And 12as. Stamps in dark blue, dark gray and brick depict the Karachi Post Trust Building. with (Perf. 14x13½), (Perf. 12½) and (Perf. 14x13½) respectively.
3 as. And 10as. Airmail stamps, green and red respectively, portray the Administrative Building of Karachi Airport with (Perf. 13½x14) and (Perf. 13½x14) respectively.
Re 1/-, Rs.2/- and 5/-, stamps, blue, dark sepia and red, carry a picture of the Muslim Hostel, Dacca.
1a. blue, (Perf. 12½ ).
1½a. gray green, (Perf. 12½).
2a. red, (Perf. 12½)
6a. blue, (Perf. 14 x 13½ ).
8a. black, (Perf. 12½).
12a. scarlet, (Perf. 14x 13½).
Pakistan 1949 1st Anniversary of the Death of Mohammed Ali Jinnah
Date of Issue : 1949 September 11
Perforations : 13.5 x 14.0
Printer : De La Rue
Print Process : Recess
A new set of eight postage stamps was issued on the 14th August 1951, the fourth anniversary of the establishment of Pakistan.These stamps were designed by the famous Pakistani artist, K.B. Abdur Rehman Chugtai. Their colour scheme was chosen y the Ministry of Communications and the printing was done in one colour by Messrs. Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd., London , by direct plate process.
These postage stamps are of denominations of 2½-anna, 3-anna, 3½-anna, 4-anna, 6-anna, 8-anna ,10-anna and 12 –anna. The size is 19x33.5 millimeters and the perforation gauge 12x13½ ( c ).Four designs have been used in these stamps, one design for two different denominations, which are distinguished by different colours.
Service postage stamps of 3-anna, 4-anna and 8-anna denominations were also issued, In this issue the word "Service" hi!" not been overprinted as is the case with other Pakistan service postage stamps; it is actually incorporated in the stamp design.
The designs of the 8-anna and the I0-anna stamps represent the symbolic arch which is characteristic of the Muslim architecture. From the arch, hangs a lamp in the shape which is familiar throughout the Muslim world. This symbolizes the "lamp of learning" which Islam lighted in the world after the darkness of feudal ages. The 8-anna stamp is dark-brown and the 10-anna is purple.
The 3-anna and the 12-anna stamps are meant for airmail use. The design depicts an
aeroplane and an ancient hour-glass, artistically arranged, typifying the saving of time and shortening of space made possible by this modern means of travel and transport. The colours are dark-red for the 3-anna stamps and dark-green for the 12-anna.
The 4-anna and the 6-anna stamps carry a leaf pattern in Saracenic style. The leaf pattern has been used by Muslims throughout the countries and is the chief motif of architectural decoration. The colours chosen are leaf green for the 4-anna and autumnal
brown for the 6-anna stamps.
The 2½-anna and the 3½-anna values depict a "Vase" and "Plate", surrounded by a leaf decorative design. Ceramics has always been patronized by Muslims and glazed pottery work has been one of the traditional arts in Pakistan. The design represents the Muslim heritage and Pakistan's interest in its revival. The colour of the 2½-anna stamp is red, while that of the 3½-anna is blue.
On the 14th August 1952, two stamps of the 3-anna and the 12-annadenominations and an attractive First Day Cover were issued to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Scinde District Dawk stamps, the first stamps issued in Asia in July 1852. The design illustrates the original stamp with a string of camels and airplane added to symbolize progress in mail transport. The 3-anna stamp is chartreuse in colour, and the 12-anna stamp is light
brown. These stamps were withdrawn from sale on 1st November 1953.
For facility of use, both by the public and the post office, it was decided to so arrange future ssues of postage stamps as to reduce the number of stamps in one and the same design to only one. In keeping with this decision, a new set of postage stamps was issued on the 14th August, 1954, the seventh Anniversary of Independence. It comprised seven public postage stamps of 6-pie, 9-pie, I-anna, 1S-anna, 14-anna (new denomination), Re. l/- and Rs. 2/- denominations, and seven service postage stamps of the same denominations. Attractive and entirely new designs, depicting panoramic scenic beauties of Pakistan, and archaeological monuments of the country, presented in a new form, and some of the main agricultural products of the country, in beautiful colour schemes, are the main features of these stamps which are briefly described below.
The designs and colour schemes were selected by the Posts and Telegraphs Department. engraving was done by Messrs. Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd., London, and the printing carried out by the Pakistan Security Printing Corporation Ltd., Karachi. This is the first set of Pakistan postage stamps printed by a Pakistan Press. Each sheet of every denomination comprises a set of eighty stamps.
One postage stamp of 2-anna denomination was issued on the 25th December, 1954, in commemoration of the conquest of K-2. This stamp depicts a panoramic view of the peak, 28,250 feet high, which is the second highest in the world and was scaled on the 31st July, 1954. (Perf. 13)
A new set of Pakistan postage stamps was issued on the 14th August, 1955. This series is devoted to the progress made by Pakistan in the field of industrialization and comprises four public postage stamps of 2½-anna,6-anna,8-anna and 12-anna and one service postage stamp of 8-anna denomination as described below.
The designs and colour scheme were selected by the Posts and Telegraphs Department. The engraving was done by Messrs. Thomas De La Rue & Co. Ltd., London and the printing by the Pakistan Security Printing Corporation Ltd., Karachi. Each sheet of every denomination comprises a set of eighty stamps.
To commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the United Nations (24th October, 1955), the1½-anna postage stamp (14th August 1954 Issue) and the 12-anna postage stamp (14th August 1955 Issue) were over-printed in blue, with the words "TENTH ANNIVERSARY UNITED NATIONS 24th October 1955".
The stamps were sold for a period of 15 days with effect from 24th October 1955, i.e., from 24th October 1955, to 7th November 1955, both dates inclusive) but remained valid for payment of postage for a period of six months from 7th November 1955.Both
To commemorate the Unification of West Pakistan on 14th October 1955, three postage stamps of 1½-anna, 2-anna and 12-anna denominations (as described below) were issued on 7th December 1955.
These stamps were sold for the period from 7th December 1955, to 29th February 1956, (both dates inclusive) and remained valid for payment of postage for a period of six months from 29th February 1956.
l½-anna; Bottle Green.
2-anna .Chocolate.
12-anna. Deep Red .
All three stamps shows the map of the "Province of West Pakistan," incorporating therein the former provinces of the Punjab, the N-WF., Sind and Baluchistan and the States of Bahawalpur and Khairpur, Baluchistan States Union, Amb, Chitral, Dir, Swat and the Tribal Areas of Baluchistan, the Punjab and N-WF. as also the capital of the Federation.
Size of stamp: 40.5x31.5 mm .
Size of Print: 37.5x28.8 mm.
Perforation gauge: 13½x13¼ Comb.
To commemorate the inauguration of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, a postage stamp of2-anna denomination was issued on 23rd March 1956. The stamp in question is bottle greenand bears in the center an illustration of the Constituent Assembly building where the Constitution of the Republic of Pakistan was adopted. On the two sides of the central design, there appear the illustration of a JUTE PLANT to represent Bangladesh (Then East Pakistan) and the illustration of a WHEAT PLANT to represent West Pakistan. The words "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" along with the date of inauguration of the Republic (viz. 23rd March 1956) are inscribed at the top of the stamp. Below the central design (Constituent Assembly building) appear the words REPUBLIC DAY. The word (Pakistan in Urdu) appears at the foot of the stamp with the denomination engraved in Urdu and English in either corner. The size of the stamp is 40x25 mm and the perforation gauge 13x13 (c). The stamps were available for sale from 23rd March 1956, to 22nd February 1957, (both dates inclusive).
On the occasion of the 9th Anniversary of Independence, a new postage stamp of 2-anna denomination with an improved and simplified design was issued. Salient features of the new postage stamp are described below :
Denomination: 2-anna
Colour: Reddish-Orange
Crescent and star facing northwest with a bunch of roses on the right top corner.
Size of the stamp: 21x24 mm Size of Print: 18x21½mm Perforation gauge : 13½xl3½ (c)
The design and colour scheme was suggested by the Directorate-General, Posts and Telegraphs and finalized by M/s. Thomas De La Rue & Co., London who also carried out the engraving. Printing was done by the Pakistan Security Printing Corporation, Ltd., Karachi.
To commemorate the First Session at Dacca, Bangladesh ( then East Pakistan), of the National Assembly of Pakistan, three postage stamps (public) of 1½-anna, 2-anna and 12-anna denominations were issued on and from the 15th October 1956 :—
1½-anna, bottle green.
2-anna, dark brown.
12-anna, deep red.
These stamps were available for sale for the period from 15th October 1956, to 31stDecember 1957 (both inclusive).
All three stamps show the map of the 'Province of Then East Pakistan'.
Size of stamp: 40.5x31.5 mm .
Size of Print: 37.5x28.8 mm .
Perforation gauge: 13½x13½(c).
1956 Republic Day
On the occasion of the first anniversary of the inauguration of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, three definitive postage stamps of 2½-anna, 3½-anna and Rs. 10/- denominations were issued on and from 23rd March 1957. The salient features of the new postage stamps are described below :—
1. Denomination and colour:
2½-annna, deep red.
Replaces the old postage stamp of same denomination and the same design (viz. a view of the Karnaphuli Paper Mill in East Pakistan) with the following changes:
(i) the word 'Pakistan' has been inscribed in English, Urdu and Bengali.
(ii) the denomination is shown in the left-hand bottom corner in English only.
Size of print: 30.5x26 mm
Size of stamp: 33.5x29 mm
Perforation gauge: 13x13 (c).
2. Denomination and colour:
3½-anna ,blue.
Replaces the old postage stamp of the same denomination and the design (viz. a vase and plate with leaf motif).
(i) the word 'Pakistan' has been inscribed in English, Urdu and Bengali.
(ii) denomination has been shown in the left-hand bottom corner in English only.
Size of print: 31.5x26 mm
Size of stamp: 33.5x29 mm
Perforation gauge: 13x13 (c).
3. Denomination and colour:
Rs 10/-, myrtle green and yellow orange. (Perf. 13)
A fruit bearing tree is shown.
In connection with the Centenary of the 1857-Struggle for Independence, a set of two commemorative postage stamps of 1½ anna-bronze green and 12 anna-light greendenominations and colours was issued on 10th May, 1957.Both have Perf. 13.
The design of the postage stamps shows the figure '1857' bound in chains with a few links broken. This (symbolizes both the then state of bondage and the urge of the people for freedom. The flag of Pakistan indicates the successful culmination of the people's urge. Among other things, the postage stamps include:
(a) the word 'Pakistan' in both Urdu and Bengali beside English at the top.
(b) the words "Centenary of the Struggle for Independence—10th May, 1857" immediately below the flag of Pakistan.
The word postage appears at the foot in the left bottom corner and the denomination in the right bottom corner. The postage stamps under reference were available for sale to the public from 10th May, 1957 to 31st January, 1958 (both days inclusive).
On the 10th Anniversary of Pakistan (14th August 1957), a set of three commemorative postage stamps of 1½-anna-ultramarine, 4-anna-orange red and 12-anna-mauvedenominations and colours was issued. The commemoratives under reference depict the progress made by Pakistan during the first ten years. In the foreground, there is a sapling of the rose plant with a solitary rose bud and the date "14th August 1947" there-under indicating that Pakistan came into being from scratch and has blossomed into a well-grown I0-flower rose plant (printed on the right hand side) where-under the figures "14th August 1957" have been inscribed. The postage stamps under reference depict the (1) Sui Gas, (2) Adamjee Jute Mills, (3) Karnaphuli Paper Mills and (4) Zeal Pak Cement Factory with an aeroplane flying over as symbol of progress and development made during the period. The word "PAKISTAN" in English, Urdu and Bengali is shown at the top and the word "POSTAGE" and the denomination have been given in the right-hand bottom corner.
These commemoratives were available for sale from 14th August, 1957 to 13th February, 1958 (both dates inclusive). These three stamps have Perf. 13½x14.
1958 The 2nd Anniversary of the Republic |
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