Stamps collection - 46 Countries American Continent
First Stamps - Anguilla
St. Kitts-Nevis Nos. - 1967, Sept. 4 - Scott stamps # 1-16 & 1967-68 Scott # 17-31
From a philatelic standpoint, Anguillan stamps were first issued in 1967. Prior to that St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla stamps were used collectively. The first stamp set is actually based on overprinted stamps of St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla. They are very rare and command a very high premium. Examples are shown nearby.
The Anguillan postal authorities seem to be moderate in the number of stamp sets issued. The nation issues about 5 or 6 issues per year, with a major definitive issue appearing every 5 years or so. While the stamps are a revenue-generator for the country, Anguilla does not seem to be flooding the market with stamp issues
Stamp themes for the island nation include typical Caribbean island topics such as beautiful fish, tropical seashells, and butterflies and birds of the nation. In the past, Anguilla has also offered annual Easter and Christmas stamps, as well as stamps detailing historical dates, such as Anguilla Day (May 30).
Few collectors can expect to complete a Anguillan stamp collection, as the first series alone, the key set to the entire country, catalogs for over $15,000 (US) in mint condition. However, a few of the stamps from the first set, plus almost all of the rest of the country, can be attained, as they catalog around $3,000 in mint condition for all.
Good luck collecting this beautiful island nation.
First Stamps - Antigua and Barbuda
stamp Antigua Queen Victoria 1862 stamp #1
First Stamps - Argentina
Symbolical stamp of the Argentine Confederation -1858, May 1 - stamps #1, 1a - Colon after "5", 1b - Colon after "V"
First Stamp - Bahamas
Stamp Bahamas 1863 Scott stamp #1
First Stamps - Barbados
Stamp Barbados 1875 stamp #1 Britannia
First Stamps - Belize
1973, June 1 - stamps of Belize Complete set #312-24
Fish-Animal Type of British Honduras Regular Issue 1968-72 Overprinted in Black on Silver Panel
First Stamps - Bermuda
1865 stamps of Bermuda stamps #1 - 6, Queen Victoria
First Stamps - Bolivia
Bolivia Garcia issue 1863 stamp #1
On Feb. 21, 1863, the Bolivian Government decreed contracts for carrying the mails should be let to the highest bidder, the service to commence on the day the bid was accepted, and stamps used for the payment of postage. On Mar. 18, the contract was awarded to Sr. Justiniano Garcia and was in effect until Apr. 29, 1863, when it was rescinded. Stamps in the form illustrated above were prepared in denominations of 1/2, 1, 2 and 4 reales. All values exist in black and in blue. The blue are twice as scarce as the black. It is said that used copies exist on covers, but the authenticity of these covers remains to be established.
1867-68 stamps of Bolivia 1-8
72 varieties of each of the 5c, 78 varieties of the 10c, 30 varieties of each of the 50c and 100c
First Stamps - Brazil
Brazil 1843 Bull Eye 30r - 60r - 90r Black. stamps # 1, 1a, 2, 3
Grayish or Yellowish Paper Fine Impressions.
Nos. 1-3 were issued with gum, but very few unused examples retain even a trace of their original gum. Copies with original gum com mand substantial premiums.
First Stamp - British Virgin Islands
1866 Virgin Islands stamp #1
First Stamps - Canada
Before the Confederation of Canada was formed or joined, several provinces issued their own stamps.
All of the provinces' stamps are classic beauties. Some of them are very expensive, but many are still surprisingly affordable.
The first stamps inscribed "Canada" were issued in 1851, but these were stamps of the Province of Canada, not the Confederation of Canada that we know today.
The Province of Canada was a British North American colony formed in 1841 by the union of the provinces of Upper Canada (southern Ontario) and Lower Canada (southern Quebec and Labrador). The Province of Canada ceased to exist at the establishment of the Confederation of Canada on July 1, 1867, at which time it was divided into the provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
A Province of Canada 3-penny Beaver stamp (Scott 1) issued in 1851 is shown in Figure 1. Although it is a provincial stamp rather than one issued for the whole country, most collectors consider this to be the first stamp of Canada.
1851 - 1857 Queen Victoria | 1851 Crown of Great Britain and Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom | 1857 Crown of Great Britain and Heraldic Flowers of the Empire |
Queen Victoria 1860 Canadian Prov., British Columbia & Vancouver Island | 1861 Queen Victoria |
Province of Canada
First Stamps - Cayman Islands
Stamps - Central America
First Stamps - Chile
First Stamps - Colombia
First Stamps - Costa Rica
First Stamps - Cuba
First Stamps - Dominica
First Stamps - Dominican
First Stamps - Ecuador
1865-72 Ecuador #1-6
First Stamps - El Salvador
1867 El Salvador #1-4
The first stamps of El Salvador were made by The American Bank Note Co. of New York, or as it says in the bottom of the sheets (in Spanish) "Compa?a Americana de Billetes de Banco de Nueva York". Printed in September of 1866, they arrived to El Salvador on December 17th. They were officially issued on January 17, 1867, but their use was not mandatory until March 1st.
The set consists of 4 values: ? Real (blue), 1 Real (red), 2 Reales (green) and 4 Reales (bistre), issued in sheets of 100. They feature an active volcano with 11 stars making a semi-circle above the volcano; each star represents Salvadorian provinces in those years: San Salvador, La Libertad, Sonsonate, Santa Ana, La Paz, Cuscatlan, Usulutan, San Vicente, San Miguel, La Union, & Chalatenango.
There are two printings of this issue, the one in September 1866 already mentioned, and another in April 1873. The printings can be distinguished by the different color shades for each printing, and by the heavy yellow gum used on the first printing, which differs from the thin white gum used for the latter.
El Salvador, truly one of the last frontiers in Philately. Where else can you find a country with such an impressive array of complex issues still waiting for new discoveries to be made? Whatever your interests (Prephilately, early classical issues, modern adhesives, airmail, stationery, revenues), El Salvador has it all.
First Stamps - Falkland Islands
First Stamps - Grenada
First Stamps - Guatemala
First Stamps - Guyana
First Stamps - Haiti
1881 Haiti - Liberty Head #1- 6
First Stamps - Hawaii
Hawaiian Missionaries 1851 - 1852
In 1851 the Kingdom of Hawaii authorized the printing of postage stamps to prepay the rates on outbound mail. Henry M. Whitney, Hawaii's first postmaster, printed the blue stamps on a hand-operated press in the Honolulu office of the government newspaper. Known as the "Missionaries" because of their use by Christian missionaries who wrote back to the United States, the first three issues featured the text "Hawaiian Postage" in two, five, and thirteen-cent values. In 1852, a revised thirteen-cent stamp featured "H.I. & U.S. Postage" to clarify that the stamp prepaid postage for Hawaii, the ship fee, and delivery in the United States. 197 examples of the Missionaries have been recorded to date.
The Hawaiian Missionaries from the National Philatelic Collection include one example of each of the first four issues plus four envelopes mailed to the United States during 1851-52. The cancellations include a circular datestamp, a crayon marking, a sugar cane marking, and three types of cork killers.
Only 16 copies of the 2? issue have been found to this day. The Dawson cover, showing one 2?, and one 5? missionary stamp, and also two more 13? stamps, sold in 1995 for $1.9 million.
First Stamps - Honduras
First Stamps - Jamaica
1860-63 Jamaica - Queen Victoria #1-6
First Stamps - Mexico
1856 Mexico - Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla #1-5
The first Mexican postage stamps were issued August 1, 1856. There were five different face values, each a different color, but all bore the same likeness, a portrait of the Father of Mexican Independence, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, that shows him facing 3/4 forward, showing more of his left profile than the right, and surrounded by a decorative cartouche.
These first stamps used the Spanish 'reales' for their value, and consisted of the blue 1/2 real, yellow one real, yellow-green two reales, red four reales and lilac-red eight reales. Two real was equal to twelve and a half centavos when pesos and centavos began to replace reales after 1868.
The original issues continued to be used from 1856 until April 18, 1861 when it was replaced with the 1861 issue.
First Stamps - Montserrat
First Stamps - Nicaragua
1862 Nicaragua - Liberty Cap on Mountain Peak; From Seal of Country #1-2
Eight stamps with this "Liberty Cap on Mountain Peak" design were issued between 1862 and 1878.
First Stamps - Panama
The first stamp of Panama issued by the Sovereign State of Panama Under Colombian Dominion in 1878 features a design that based on the coat of arms of Panama at the time. It has been described as "a Panama that never existed." The dramatic curve up and then back down on the left side of the design does nnot exist, nor does the bay created by those curves. On the right side of the design the coast should tend to the lower corner of the stamp. A comparison with any map of the isthmus will verify the judgement.
First Stamps - Paraguay
First Stamps - Peru
1857 Peru - Sail and Steamship #1 - #2. Design: 2r, Ship sails eastward.
The Pacific Steam Navigation Co. gave a quantity of these stamps to the Peruvian government so that a trial of prepayment of postage by stamps might be made.
Stamps of 1 and 2 reales, printed in various colors on white paper, laid and wove, were prepared for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co. but never put in use.
First Stamps - Prince Edward (Island)
St. Kitts-Nevis Nos. - 1967, Sept. 4 - Scott # 1-16 & 1967-68 Scott # 17-31
First Stamps - South Georgia
1944 South Georgia - Falkland Islands Dependencies, South Georgia Complete Set #3L1-8
1963 South Georgia Short set #1-15
First Stamps - St.Kitts and Nevis
1903 St.Kitts - Nevis -Columbus Looking for Land & Medicinal Spring #1-10
First Stamps - St.Lucia
1860 St.Lucia - Queen Victoria #1-3
First Stamps - St.Vincent & Grenadines
1973 St Vincent-Grenadines postage stamp - Princess Anne's Wedding Issue #1-2
First Stamps - St.Vincent
1861 St.Vincent - Queen Victoria #1-2
First Stamps - Surinam
1873-89 Surinam - King William #2-16
First Stamps - Trinidad & Tobago
1913 Trinidad & Tobago - ?Britannia? #1-7
First Stamps - Turks and Caicos
1900-04 Turks and Caicos - Dependency?s Badge #1-9
First Stamps - United States
1847 United States - Franklin #1 - Washington #2
First Stamps - Uruguay
1856 Uruguay - 'El Sol de Mayo' #1
First Stamps - Venezuela
1859 Venezuela - Coat of Arms #1-3
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