Afghanistan Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Bhutan British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT)
Brunei Cambodia Chechnya China East Timor Georgia Hong Kong
India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan
Kampuchea Kazakhstan Korea Korea, North Korea, South Kuwait Kyrgyzstan
Laos Lebanon Macau Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar (Burma)
Nepal Oman Pakistan Palestine Philippines Qatar Saudi Arabia
Siam Singapore Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Syria Taiwan (Formosa) Tajikistan Thailand
Turkmenistan Tuva United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Viet-Nam Yemen Asia (Other)
First Stamps of Afghanistan
1871 Stamps of Afghanistan - Tiger's Head Dated “1288” - stamps #1,3
The first stamps appeared in 1871. They were round in shape, imperforate, and printed in black, with a crude tiger's head ("Sher" meaning "tiger"), surrounded by Arabic script specifying one of three denominations. Cancellation was accomplished by cutting or tearing off a piece of the stamp. Initially somewhat large, subsequent issues kept the same basic design but were smaller each year, with the last appearing in 1878. Starting in 1876, the stamps were printed in different colors, each color corresponding to one of the main post offices on the Peshawar-Kabul-Khulm route. Each design in a sheet was individually engraved, so the stamps vary considerably in appearance.
First Stamps of Armenia
1919 Armenia - National Republic Russian Stamps of 1902-19 Handstamped - stamp #1
First Stamps of Azerbaijan
1919 Stamps of Azerbaijan #1-10
National Republic - Standard Bearer - Farmer at Sunset - Baku - Temple of Eternal Fires
First Stamps of Bahrain
1933 Bahrain - Stamps of India 1926-32 Overprinted in Black #1-14
First Stamps of Bangladesh
1971 Stamps of Bangladesh - stamps #1-8
East Pakistan declared independence on March 26, 1971, under the leadership of Mujibur Rahman. The independence movement was repressed by mighty army from West Pakistan and then went into a guerilla war. To appeal to the world , the interim government of Bangladesh issued the first stamps of Bangladesh on July 29, 1971. However, under the civil war, there was no postal administration under that government. These stamps were used only after the de facto independence of Bangladesh, mostly after January 1972.
1971 Stamps of Bangladesh - stamps #9-16
On December 16, 1971, Dacca fell to India and Bangladesh achieved its independence in the real sense. On December 20, the eight Bangladeshi stamps were overprinted to celebrate the liberation. Since the currency unit was changed from Rupee into Taka, the liberation issues were the last Bangladeshi stamps in Rupees denomination
First Stamps of Bhutan
1962 Stamps of Bhutan - stamps #1-7
Designs: 3ch, 70ch, Archer. 5ch, 1.30nu, Yak. 15ch, Map of Bhutan, portrait of Druk Gyalpo (Dragon King) Ugyen Wangchuk (1867-1902) and Paro Dzong (fortress-monastery). 33ch, Postal runner.
1955 Stamps of Bhutan - POSTAL-FISCAL STAMPS - Dorje (thunderbolt) #AR1-AR4
First Stamps of British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT)
1968 Stamps of British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) - stamps #1-15
1968 Stamps of British Indian Ocean Territory #16-33
Marine Fauna: 10c, Hammerhead shark, vert. 15c, Tiger shark. 20c, Sooty eagle ray. 25c, Butterflyfish, vert. 30c, Robber crab. 40c, Green carangue. 45c, Needlefish, vert. 50c, Barracuda. 60c, Spotted pebble crab. 75c, Parrotfish. 85c, Rainbow runner (fish). 1r, Giant hermit crab. 1.50r, Humphead. 2.25r, Rock cod. 3.50r, Black marlin. 5r, Whale shark, vert. 10r, Lionfish.
First Stamps of Brunei
1906 Brunei - Labuan Stamps of 1902-03 Overprinted or Surcharged in Red - stamps #1-12
The 1906 set is the very first official stamps issued by the Brunei postal authorities. There was an early 1895 set which was done by a private entrepreneur who got the right to sell the stamps outside Brunei in exchange for running a postal service (it went defunct in about 1902/03). However not all philatelist accepted that as an official set as it was not done by the postal authorities.
This particular collection is worth some RM$2,400 for mint and about a thousand more for used stamps. So trying to assemble the entire collection was very very hard.
Sultan Hashim handed over the general administration of the State to a British Resident on 2nd January 1906. Plans were made for a complete postal service, with the official inauguration of this service on the 11th October 1906. New stamps were ordered from the Crown Agents and, pending their arrival, surplus stocks of the Labuan Crown issue were overprinted and surcharged by the Government Printers in Singapore.
1907-21 Brunei - Scene on Brunei River - stamps #13-39
First Stamps of Cambodia
1951-52 Cambodia - Apsaras - King Norodom Sihanouk - Enthronement Hall - stamps #1- 17
First Stamps of Chechnya
1992 Stamps of Chechnya
First Stamps of China
The history of the Chinese postal system stretches back at least to the year 1000 B.C. By the time Marco Polo visited the great empire in the 1100s, China maintained at least 10,000 different post offices. For more important postal deliveries, China employed a sophisticated system of professional letter carriers, known as the Min Hsin Chu. China's post was self-contained until the year 1727, when the country developed a mutual postal pact with its neighbor, Russia.Despite the inevitability of communion with the West, China sealed off its borders and its postal system. However, following its defeat in war against Britain, China ended up adopting Western-style postal stamps. The first China stamp to go to print was called the ''Large Dragon.'' On May 1st, 1878, this stamp, which featured Chinese and Roman writing, first got distributed at the Shanghai post.The Chinese postal system produced a flurry of stamps in the late 1800s. In 1885, the Chinese produced a one-candareen stamp. During the 1880s, the government routed the majority of the nation's mail through one main station in Shanghai. However, seeing that this was impractical, officials opened 11 more post offices around the region. The elite Min Hsu Chin was finally dismantled in favor of a more Western-style postal service.Beginning in 1897, the Chinese Imperial Postal Service handled the vast majority of international and national mail. Bowing to economic pressure, the Chinese agreed to have Japan lithograph the country's first half-cent stamp, which was released in 1897. Many variations of this 1897 stamp exist, and it is considered a valuable collector's item.
1878-83 China - Issues of the Imperial Maritime Customs Post - Imperial Dragon - stamps #1-9
Red Revenue Small 2c - The Red Lady in the Green Dress 1897
Among the rare philatelic specimen are of the most important items in China is Qing Dynasty philately.
Firstly, the 1897 Red Revenue Small 2c (stamped over its original 3c value) Green Surcharge, colloquially known as the "The Red Lady in the Green Dress", estimated at HK$8,000,000-10,000,000 (nearly $1.3m).
Regarded as a trial printing, there are only nine properly recognised examples of this rarity of which only seven examples are available to collectors (another is in the China National Postage Stamp Museum)
Buy stamps or Sell stamps of Asia
First Stamps of East Timor
1885-1913 Stamps of Timor
Stamps of Macao Overprinted #4 - King Luiz #11 - Macao No. 44 Surcharged #21 - King Carlos #22 - Vasco da Gama Issue. An 1898 Portuguese stamp for Timor #45 - Vasco da Gama Issue of 1898 Overprinted or Surcharged in Black #148, 153
1948-50 Stamps of East Timor - Timor Woman - Craftsman stamps #246, 256-257
East Timor, officially the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, is a country in Southeast Asia. It comprises the eastern half of the island of Timor, the nearby islands of Atauro and Jaco, and Oecusse, an exclave on the northwestern side of the island, within Indonesian West Timor.
The first stamps of independent East Timor were issued on 20 May 2002 and were produced by Australia Post. Before then Indonesian stamps were in use, and before that Portuguese colonial issues were used.
This national tais is used as a unifying background design element on the stamps and as a symbol of the weaving together of past and present to create the new country's future. All 4 stamps are inscribed “Independência 2002.” The four designs are:
25c - Crocodile - a symbol of the traditional Timorese foundation story.
50c - Palm Frond - a symbol of welcome and celebration shown on the beach in Dili, the new nation's capital city.
$1 - Coffee - a symbol of the 90 per cent of the country's population living in rural areas, and the potential for further development of the export economy.
$2 - National Flag - one of the official symbols of the new nation, as specified in the new nation's constitution. ("The national symbols of the Democratic Republic of East Timor shall be the flag, the emblem and the national anthem").
2002 Stamps of East Timor - Timor Oriental serie Independence President Xanana Carte Drapeau Afinsa - Flag and: 10c, Pres. Xanana Gusmao. 50c, Map of country
First Stamps of Georgia
Tiphlis Unique, or Tiflis stamp
ტფილისის უნიკა
Paris copy - black and white version - copy of number 2 (1870 - 1880)
Was issued in November, 1857, at Tiflis.
Very rare postage stamp, issued in the Russian Empire (in modern Georgia).
The average price set by collectors, is 8 million dollars.
Only three specimens known.
1919 Georgia - National Republic - St. George #12-17
1920 Georgia - Queen Thamar #18-20
First Stamps of Hong Kong
1862 Hong Kong - Queen Victoria - stamps #1-7
Victorian Era Hong Kong Stamps
Many rare Hong Kong stamps date from the earliest issues in 1862 and 1863. Hong Kong stamps under British rule featured the reigning British Monarch and the name of the colony in Latin and Chinese characters. Some of these highly collectible Hong Kong stamps, featuring the image of Queen Victoria, are also quite valuable. For example, some specimens of the 1865 olive bistre are valued in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. During this period, inversions and double-printings of overprints arose from printers’ errors, as did variations in hue and perforations. Another valuable Hong Kong stamp from the Victorian era, the 4 cents pale green perf. 12.5, attests to the esteem collectors accord such variations.
The third and final issue of the Victorian era was printed in 1882. All in all, including overprints, 61 stamps were printed in these three issues.
The establishment of the Treaty Ports in the mid-nineteenth century created an additional niche interest related to Hong Kong philately. The ports used Hong Kong stamps overprinted with the name of the particular port.
First Stamps of India
1852 India - SCINDE DISTRICT POST - stamps #1-3
1854-55 India - East India Company - Queen Victoria - stamps #1-7
Though British rule in India began effectively in the mid-eighteenth century, the first stamp was only issued in 1852, years after the first Penny Black was issued in England. This was the Scinde Dawk followed by the East India company issues and a long series of Queen Victoria heads.
First Stamps of Indonesia
1945 Stamps of Indonesia - JAVA ISSUES - Netherlands Indies Overprinted “Repoeblik Indonesia” #1L1, 1L4, 1L9
1948-49 Stamps of Indonesia - REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA
First Stamps of Iran
Perse PERSIA 1870 Stamps of Iran - Coat of Arms
Among eastern countries, Persia (file under Iran) is the only one to display the Lion, dividing the honours with the sun for chief place upon the stamps.
The first stamps appeared from 1868 onwards. These stamps were imperforate and printed in letterpress. Quite a few shades exist. Note that as a rule all cancels on these stamps are forgeries because these stamps were not cancelled when used.
The second set appeared from 1875 onwards and is very much like the first one, only the value is now also given in "Western" script, under the belly of the lion.
There are colour shades, paper types and reprints to be collected, and stamps from the second set can be found both imperf and rouletted. It's a bit of minefield, like so many of these "exotic" old sets, but that's the fun of stamp collecting, isn't it?!
1948-49 Stamps of Iran
SEMI-POSTAL STAMPS - Lion and Bull, Persepolis - Persian Soldier, Persepolis - Palace of Darius the Great - Tomb of Cyrus the Great, Pasargadae - King Darius on his Throne - Ardashir II - Shapur I and Valerian - Gunbad-i-Ali - Alaviyan, Hamadan - Seldjukide Coin
First Stamps of Iraq
1923-27Stamps of Iraq
Issues under British Mandate - Sunni Mosque - Gufas on the Tigris - Assyrian Winged Bull - Ctesiphon Arch - Motif of Assyrian Origin - Colors of the Dulaim Camel Corps - Golden Shiah Mosque of Kadhimain - Conventionalized Date Palm or “Tree of Life” - King Faisal I
First Stamps of Israel
1948-50 Stamps of Israel
Ancient Judean Coins - Flying Scroll - Flag of Israel - Souvenir Sheet - Bronze Half-Shekel of 67 A.D. - Approach to Jerusalem - Hebrew University, Jerusalem - “The Negev” by Reuven Rubin - Well at Petah Tikva - Arms and Service Insignia - Running Stag - Struggle for Free Immigration - Fruit and Star of David
First Stamps of Japan
1871 -74 Stamps of Japan
#1 Pair of Dragons Facing Characters of Value - Imperial Crest and Branches of Kiri Tree - Dragons and Chrysanthemum Crest - Imperial Chrysanthemum Crest - Imperial Crest and Branches of Kiri Tree
First Stamps of Jordan
1920-23 Stamps of Jordan
British Mandate & Independence Issue
#1 Stamps and Type of Palestine 1918 Overprinted in Black or Silver - Stamps of 1920 Issue Handstamp Surcharged “Ashir el qirsh” (tenth of piaster) and numeral in Black, Red or Violet - Stamps of 1920 Handstamped in Violet, Black or Red - Stamps of 1920 Overprinted in Gold - Stamps of Hejaz, 1922, Overprinted in Black (Coat of Arms) - With Additional Surcharge of New Value in Arabic - Palestine Stamps and Type of 1918 Overprinted Vertically in Black or Gold - Stamps of Preceding Issues
1933 Stamps of Jordan - Independence Issue # 185 -198
Mushetta - Nymphaeum, Jerash - Kharana - Kerak Castle - Temple of Artemis, Jerash - Aijalon Castle - Khazneh, Rockhewn Temple, Petra - Allenby Bridge, River Jordan - Ancient Threshing Floor - Amir Abdullah ibn Hussein
1933 Stamps of Jordan - Princess Dina Abdul Hamid and King Hussein #322
First Stamps of Kampuchea
1980 Cambodia, People's Republic of Kampuchea #368-71
First Stamps of Kazakhstan
1992 Stamps of Kazakhstan
#1 - Saiga Tatarica - Camels and Train, by K. Kasteev - Day of the Republic
First Stamps of Korea
1884 Stamps of Korea - Stylized Yin Yang #1-2
These stamps were never placed in use. Values: 25 and 50 mon, each $7; 100 mon $10.
1895 Stamps of Korea - Yin Yang #6
First Stamps of Korea, North - Democratic People's Republic
1946-48 Korea, Democratic People's Republic, (North Korea) Soviet occupation #1-13
Rose of Sharon - Diamond Mountains - Diamond Mountains - Gen. Kim Il Sung (1912-1994) - Peasants - Worker and Factory - Workers and Flag (Third anniversary of liberation from Japan) - Flag and Map (Adoption of the Constitution of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, July 10, 1948)
1948-50 Stamps of Korea - Democratic People's Republic
North Korean Flag - Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang - North Korean Flags - Order of the National Flag
First Stamps of Korea, South
1946 Stamps of Korea, South
Issued under US Military Rule (Stamps of Japan Surcharged in Black) - Korean Family and Flag - Arms of Korea - Dove - Flags of US and Korea
First Stamps of Kuwait
1923-24 Stamps of Kuwait - Stamps of India, 1911-23, Overprinted - stamps #1-15
First Stamps of Kyrgyzstan
1992 Stamps of Kyrgyzstan #1-4
Sary-Chelek Nature Preserve - Hawk - Man with Cattle, by G.A. Aytiev - Handicrafts
First Stamps of Laos
1951-52 Stamps of Laos
Boat on Mekong River - Temple at Vientiane - Wat Pra Keo - King Sisavang-Vong - Laotian Woman - UPU Monument and King Sisavang-Vong
First Stamps of Lebanon
1924-25 Stamps of Lebanon
FRANCE LEVANT BEYROUTH OTTOMAN TURKEY LIBAN LEBANON 1 PIASTTE ERROR very RARE -Stamps of France 1900-24 Surcharged - Cedar of Lebanon - Crusader Castle, Tripoli - View of Beirut
First Stamps of Macau
1884-85 Stamps of Macau - Portuguese Crown - stamps #1-15
First Stamps of Malay
1900-01 Stamps of MALAYA - #1 Stamps and Type of Negri Sembilan Overprinted in Black - #14 Elephants and Howdah - #18a Tiger
JOHORE - #1 1876 Stamps of the Straits Settlements Overprinted in Black - #1A 1984 - #19 1892 Sultan Abubakar - #37 !896 Sultan Ibrahim
KEDAH - #1 1912-21 Sheaf of Rice - #15 Native Plowing - #17 Council Chamber - #47 1937 Sultan of Kedah, Sir Abdul Hamid Halim Shah
KELANTAN - #1 1911-15 Symbols of Government - #27 1928 Sultan Ismail - #81 1957 Government Offices and Sultan
MALACCA (Melaka) - #12 1949 - #29 1954 Queen Elizabeth II
NEGRI SEMBILAN - #1 1891 Stamps of the Straits Settlements Overprinted - #3 Tiger - #7 1895 Tiger Head - #75 Negri Sembilan State Crest and Tuanku Munawir
PAHANG - #2 1889 Stamps of the Straits Settlements Overprinted in Black - #4 - #11 1892 - #31 1935 Sultan Abu Bakar
PENANG - #21 1948-54 King George VI - #22 1948 Wedding $5 - #65
PERAK - #2 1880 - #6 1883 - #43 1892 - #71 1935, #94
PERLIS - #7 1951 Raja Syed Putra
SELANGOR - #1 1878 - #5 1881 - #58 1935 Sultan Sulaiman - #73 1941 Sultan Hisam-ud-Din Alam Shah
SUNGEI UJONG - 1882 #6, 15, 22, 26, 33
TRENGGANU - #1a, 18 1910 Sultan Zenalabidin - #21, 38 1921 Sultan Badaru’l-alam
On 31 August 1957, a nation called MALAYA was born. Malaya consisted of 9 sultanate states namely Perlis, Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, Johore, Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan. To celebrate this important event, a single stamp was released on that day. The portrait of Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first prime minister of Malaya was printed on the stamp.
1957 Stamps of FEDERATION OF MALAYA - Rubber Tapping - Map of Federation - Chief Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman and People of Various Races
A year later (1958), a set of two stamps was released to commemorate 1st anniversary of independence. The 10-sen stamp is Stadium Mederka and the 30-sen stamp is the portrait of the first Yang Di-pertuan Agong.
On 16 September 1963, Penang, Malacca, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaya, and this gave rise the formation of Malaysia. Nevertheless, Singapore left Malaysia in 1965 and became an independent country by itself.
1963 Stamps of Malaysia - Inauguration of Malaysia - World Orchid Conference - Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference - stamps #1-8
By 1967, when Malaysia celebrated its 10 years anniversary of indenpendence, the nation of Malaysia consists of 13 states.
States Malaysia achieved independence as Malaya on August 31, 1957 from the British without a shot being fired. At that time, it was federation of the Straits Settlements of Penang (Pulau Pinang) and Malacca (Melaka), the Federated States of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan (Negeri Sembilan), Pahang and the Unfederated States of Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Trengganu (Terengganu) and Johore (Johor). In 1963, Malaya became Malaysia with the addition of Sarawak and Sabah of Borneo and the Crown Colony of Singapore. In 1965, Singapore left Malaysia and became an independent country. Later on, the Federal Territories (Wilaya Persekutuan) of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya were created.
First Stamps of Maldives
1906 Stamps of Maldives - #1 Stamps of Ceylon, 1904-05, Overprinted - 1909 #7 Minaret of Juma Mosque, near Male - 1950 #20-21 Palm Tree and Seascape & Maldive Fish - 1956 #37, 39 Harbor of Male & Fort and Governor’s Palace
First Stamps of Mongolia
1924 Stamps of Mongolia - #1 Scepter of Indra - #16 1926 Revenue Stamps Handstamp Overprinted “POSTAGE” in Violet - #32, 42 Yin Yang and other Symbols
First Stamps of Myanmar (Burma)
1937 Stamps of Myanmar - Burma - Stamps of India 1926-36 Overprinted - stamps #1-18
1938-1961 MINT COLLECTION Stamps of Burma -1938 range to 2r, 1945 Military Government set, 1946 Civil Administration & Victory sets, 1947 Interim Government overprint set plus 1948 Independence set and a selection of later commemorative sets
Myanmar began issuing stamps in 1937 under its former name of Burma. This list is short because Myanmar's stamp issuing policies are among the most conservative in the world. It also avoids featuring individuals on its stamps. The stamps of Myanmar have been reviewed up to the year 2000, and only two identifiable individuals have appeared on them since it achieved modern independence in 1948. George V of the United Kingdom (1937) - Heihachiro Togo (1942) - Maresuke Nogi (1942) - Bogyoke Aung San (1948, 1972)
First Stamps of Nepal
1881 Stamps of Nepal - stamp #1 Sripech and Crossed Khukris - #10 1889 Siva’s Bow and Two Khukris - #26 1907 Siva Mahadeva - #29A 1917 - #51 1949 Swayambhunath Stupa - #55 Temple of Krishna - #59 Pashupati (Siva Mahadeva)
First Stamps of Oman
1944 Stamps of Oman - Muscat and Oman - #2 Stamps of India 1937-43 Overprinted in Black - #97 1966 View of Harbor - #147 1972 View of Muscat, 1809 - #153 1973 Dhows - #157 1974 Port Qaboos
First Stamps of Pakistan
1947 Stamps of Pakistan - King George VI stamps of India overprinted PAKISTAN / SERVICE mint -stamps #1-19
At the time of independence, there was no stamp immediately available to be issued bearing the name of the new state. Therefore, a set of British Indian stamps were overprinted with the word "PAKISTAN" and issued on 1 October 1947 for the postal services.
The first indigenous Pakistani stamp was issued almost a year later in July 1948, printed for Pakistan. The 1 Re stamp on the left beautifully engraved with Urdu inscription reading "Long Live Pakistan" was thus the first stamp.
1948 Stamps of Pakistan - Crescent and Urdu Inscription
Thereafter, the Postal Services of Pakistan settled down and has since published some of the most beautiful and catching stamps of the world.
1949-57 Stamps of Pakistan
1947-49 Stamps of BAHAWALPUR
1947-49 Stamps of Pakistan - BAHAWALPUR - Amir Muhammad Bahawal Khan I Abbasi - Nawab Sadiq Muhammad Khan V Abbasi Bahadur - Tombs of the Amirs - Mosque, Sadiq Garh - Fort Dirawar - Nur-Mahal Palace - Palace, Sadiq Garh - Nawab Sadiq Muhammad Khan V Abbasi Bahadur - Soldiers of 1848 and 1948 - Amir Khan V and Mohammed Ali Jinnah - Panjnad Weir
Bahawalpur was a State of India until 1947. These stamps had franking power solely within Bahawalpur.
First Stamps of Palestine
1918 Stamps of Palestine
Issued under British Military Occupation - For use in Palestine, Transjordan, Lebanon, Syria and in parts of Cilicia and northeastern Egypt - stamps #1, 3a
The postage stamps and postal history of Palestine emerges out of its geographic location as a crossroads amidst the empires of the ancient Near East, the Levant and the Middle East. Postal services in the region were first established in the Bronze Age, during the rule of Sargon of Akkad, and successive empires have established and operated a number of different postal systems over the millennia.
In the era of modern postage, the postal administrations in Palestine have included Austrian, French, Italian, German, Egyptian, and Russian post offices (through arrangements made with the Ottoman Empire), the Egyptian Expeditionary Forces, the British Mandate, and various interim authorities in the lead up to and after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Since 1948, postal services have been provided by Egypt, Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian National Authority.
When discussing the pre-1948 postal history, most philatelists refer to this geographic area as Palestine or the Holy Land, though some also use Eretz Israel.
Stamps of Palestine - Christmas - Easter
First Stamps of Philippines
1884 Stamps of Philippines - Queen Isabella II - stamps #1, 4c, 6, 7, 8
1935 Stamps of Philippines - #383-397 - Jose´ Rizal - Woman and Carabao - La Filipina - Pearl Fishing - Fort Santiago - Salt Spring - Magellan’s Landing, 1521 - “Juan de la Cruz” - Rice Terraces - “Blood Compact,” 1565 - Barasoain Church, Malolos - Battle of Manila Bay, 1898 - Montalban Gorge - George Washington - The Temples of Human Progress
First Stamps of Qatar
Until 1957 the Sultanate of Qatar used the "no country" stamps listed under "British Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia". With the introduction of decimal currency the opportunity was taken to give Qatar its own issues, parallel to those of Bahrain and Kuwait. It has been alleged that this was requested by the Sultan following an embarrassing incident where some Bahrain stamps were sent to Qatar instead of the no-country stamps. All stamps also overprinted "QATAR"
1957-60 Stamps of Qatar - Queen Elizabeth - A British Wilding series stamp, issued 1 April 1957, and overprinted for use in Qatar - stamp #1-25
On 23 May 1963 the GB postal administration was closed and control was handed over to the Qatar postal department, though the overprinted stamps had already been replaced by a set inscribed "Qatar" on 2 September 1961.
1961 Stamps of Qatar - Sheik Ahmad bin Ali al Thani #26-36
First Stamps of Saudi Arabia
1916-17 Stamps of Saudi Arabia - HEJAZ - Sherifate of Mecca
Adapted from Carved Door Panels of Mosque El Salih Talay, Cairo #L1 - Taken from Page of Koran in Mosque of El Sultan Barquq, Cairo #L2 - Taken from Details of an Ancient Prayer Niche in the Mosque of El Amri at Qus in Upper Egypt #L3 - Central Design Adapted from a Koran Design for a Tomb. Background is from Stone Carving on Entrance Arch to the Ministry of Wakfs #L4 - Adapted from Stucco Work above Entrance to Cairo R. R. Station #L8 - Adapted from First Page of the Koran of Sultan Farag #L13
First Stamps of Siam
Thailand’s first postage stamps appeared in August 1883, Waterlow and Sons recess-printing printing different designs and using different colours to denote the values: solot (½ att), att, sio (2 atts), sik (4 atts) and salung (6 atts).
1883 Stamps of Thailand - King Chulalongkorn - stamps #1-5
The stamps portrayed King Chulalongkorn, the king of The King and I.
First Stamps of Singapore
1948 Stamps of Singapore - King George VI - stamp #1, 19-20
1948 Stamps of Singapore - Silver Wedding Issue #21-22
1955 Stamps of Singapore - Coronation Issue #28-42
First Stamps of Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
1972 Stamps of Sri Lanka
Lotus and Sunrise over Adam’s Peak - Inauguration of Ceylon as Republic of SriLanka #470 - World Fellowship of Buddhists, Sri Lanka, May 22-28 #471 - Book Year Emblem, Oil Lamp #472
First Stamps of Syria
1919 Stamps of Syria - Issued under French Occupation - Stamps of France, 1900-07, Surcharged - stamps #1-10
1921 Stamps of Syria - Kilis Issue - Sewing Machine Perf. 9 #91
Issued at Kilis to meet a shortage of the regular issue, caused by the sudden influx of a large number of Armenian refugees from Turkey. The Kilis area was restored to Turkey in Oct. 1923.
The first Syria stamps appeared during the French occupation at the end of World War I.
In 1919, ten French Offices in the Turkish Empire stamps (inscribed LEVANT) were overprinted "T.E.O" and surcharged in Milliemes and Piasters. T.E.O. is the abbreviation for "Territoires Ennemis Occupes" or "Occupied Enemy Territories". Two of them are shown in the image above.
An earlier issue on contemporary postage stamps of France was similarly overprinted and surcharged. They are very scarce.
The majority of these issues were used in Beirut and in Lebanon. Some of the overprinted Offices in the Turkish Empire stamps were also used in Cilicia.
1925-34 Stamps of Syria
Mosque at Hama - Mosque at Damascus - View of Merkab - View of Hama - View of Alexandretta - Citadel at Aleppo - Great Mosque of Damascus - Ruins of Bosra - Mosque at Homs - View of Sednaya - Citadel at Aleppo - Ancient Bridge at Antioch - Mosque at Damascus - Parliament Building - abu-al-Ala al-Maarri - President Ali Bek el Abed - Saladin
Syria, is a country in Western Asia, bordering Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, and Israel to the southwest. Modern Syria was created as a French mandate and attained independence in April 1946, as a parliamentary republic.
1946 Stamps of Syria -Independent Republic - Fiscal Stamp Overprinted in Carmine #314 - Sun and Ears of Wheat - President Shukri el Kouatly
First Stamps of Taiwan (Formosa)
Formosa was the Portuguese name for Taiwan
The Stamps of Formosa 1888 Horse and Dragon issues of the 20 cash Green and 20 cash Carmine stamps in complete unmounted mint sheets of 25 were both sold in Phila China’s auction held on 28 August 2010 for a record HK$10,120,000. While the Carmine exists in 2 sheets, there is only one Green in existence. The sheets are in the private collection of Woo Loyuan and offered for the first time in over 30 years.
Stamps of CHINA Formosa 1888-89 20ca Horse and Dragon, die proofs in brown, red brown, yellow brown and green, four diff
1888 Stamps of Taiwan - Formosa - Horse and Dragon - railway stamps -10c railway surcharge on 20c green & 20c carmine - 20c carmine & 20c green railway stamps SHUICHWANKIAO-TAIPEH & return overprints - 20c carmine & 20c green railway stamps Taipeh-Hsikow & return overprints
1945 Stamps of Taiwan - China Overprinting from Japanese Stamps Arabic Figure Kamatari Fujiwara
1950 Stamps of Taiwan - REPUBLIC OF CHINA - Flying Geese Over Globe Type of 1949 with Value Omitted Surcharged in Various Colors
First Stamps of Tajikistan
1992 Stamps of Tajikistan - Gold Statue of Man on Horse - Sheik Muslihiddin Mosque - Musical Instruments of Tajikistan - Ram - stamps #1-4
First Stamps of Thailand
1883 Stamps of Thailand - King Chulalongkorn - stamps #1-5
1905-68 Stamps of Thailand - King Chulalongkorn - King Vajiravudh - Throne Room - King Prajadhipok and Chao P’ya Chakri - King Ananda Mahidol - King Bhumibol Adulyadej - King Rama II - Queen Sirikit
First Stamps of Turkmenistan
1992 Stamps of Turkmenistan - Dagdan Necklace, 19th Century - stamp #1
2006 Stamps of Turkmenistan
Ashgabat Architecture #105: a, 3000m, Building with dome, fountain at left. b, 3000m, Rukhiyet Palace (building with three green domes, automobiles). c, 3000m, Building with three golden domes and fountain. d, 3000m, Goktepe Mosque (green domes). e, 3000m, Mosque with golden domes. f, 3000m, Statue of Akhal- Teke horses. g, 3000m, Domed building with fence. h, 3000m, Central Bank and flags. i, 5000m, Neutrality Arch at night, vert. j, 5000m, Oil and Gas Ministry Building with flagpoles at right, vert. k, 5000m, President Hotel with flagpoles at left, vert. l, Independence Monument Independence, 10th Anniv.
First Stamps of Tuva
1926 Stamps of Tannu Tuva -Tuva People’s Republic - Wheel of Truth (wheel of life) -Tuva stamp #1-10, 12
Tannu Tuva was an autonomous region in central Asia between Russia and Mongolia, which in 1921, under Russian instigation, became the Tuvan People's Republic. A treaty between the Soviet Union and the Mongolian People's Republic in 1926 affirmed the country’s independence, although no other countries formally recognized it. In 1944, it was annexed to the Soviet Union as part of the Tuvan Autonomous Oblast and in 1961 became the Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Its successor since 1992, the Tuvan Republic, is a member of the Russian Federation.
Between 1926 and 1933, Tannu Tuva issued 38 postage stamps. The first series depicted the Buddhist wheel of life with Mongolian writing and numerals only. Beginning in 1927, Tannu Tuva issued a series of color stamps with local scenes or a map of the country. These stamps were issued in several shapes, including rectangles, triangles and diamonds, and bore text in Mongolian and the words "TOUVA" and "postage".
From 1934 to 1936, Tuva issued about 100 different postage stamps with exotic images of Tuvan life, including horse racing, nomadic battle scenes, and domestic animals including camels and oxen. These large format stamps came in a variety of shapes including diamonds, and were widely sold to collectors in canceled to order form.
These "stamps" were the brainchild of Bela Sekula, a promotor of philatelic “rarities”, who in 1934 convinced the Tuvan and Soviet authorities to manufacture exotic stamps to sell to collectors. They were in fact "designed in Moscow, printed in Moscow, franked in Moscow and sold abroad by a Moscow state trading firm to earn hard currency for Moscow." Nor were all the images on the stamps accurate representations of Tuvan life. One of the stamps, for example, depicted a "camel racing locomotives along Tuva’s nonexistent railway".
1935 Stamps of Tannu Tuva -Tuva People’s Republic - stamps #54-60 - Designs: 1k - Map of Tuva. 3k, 5k, 10k - Different scenes of Yenisei River. 15k - Rocky Outcropping. 25k - Bei-kem rapids. 50k - Mounted hunters. Printed by State Security Printers, Moscow.
The standing of the Tannu Tuva stamps has been controversial. Some catalogues list them as valid postage stamps (Yvert, Michel, Sanabria, and Whitfield King catalogues) while the Scott and Stanley Gibbons catalogues do not recognize these as such. Some collectors contend that they did see at least some limited postal use.
Notwithstanding their questionable origins, these exotic stamps were popular with young collectors during the middle of the twentieth century. This is documented, for example, in Ralph Leighton's Tuva or Bust!, Richard Feynman's Last Journey (W. W. Norton 1991), where childhood memories of the colorful stamps of Tannu Tuva inspired Nobel prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman and the author on a quest, first to contact someone in Tuva, and then to actually visit the country. (Feynman died before achieving his goal, but Leighton ultimately reached Tuva.) Leighton and Feynman's efforts rekindled an interest in Tuva and its stamps, which now are the subject of numerous websites.
Since the 1990s, numerous labels purporting to be postage stamps of Tuva have again appeared on the market. These have depicted a variety of unlikely Tuvan subjects, such as Bart Simpson, the Teletubbies and Led Zeppelin, and are all illegal stamps apparently manufactured in England and intended to deceive collectors.
First Stamps of United Arab Emirates UAE
1973 Stamps of United Arab Emirates - UAE Trucial States - stamps #13-24
Designs: Map and Flag of UAE. 10f, Like 5f. 15f, 35f, Coat of arms of UAE (eagle). 65f - Almagta Bridge, Abu Dhabi. 75f, Khor Fakkan, Sharjah. 1d, Steel Clock Tower, Dubai. 1.25d, Buthnah Fort, Fujeira. 2d, Alfalaj Fort, Umm al Qiwain. 3d, Khor Khwair, Ras al Khaima. 5d, Palace of Sheik Rashid bin Humaid al Nuaimi, Ajman. 10d, Sheik Zaid bin Sultan al Nahayan, Abu Dhabi.
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Stamps of Abu Dhabi
1964-70 Stamps of Abu Dhabi
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Stamps of Ajman
1964 Stamps of Ajman - UAE - Sheik Rashid bin Humaid al Naimi - stamps #1-18
Designs: Arab Stallion - Regal angelfish - Camel - Angelfish - Green turtle- Jewelfish - White storks - White-eyed gulls - Lanner falcon
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Stamps of Dubai
1963 Stamps of Dubai - stamps #1-17 - Hermit Crab - Cuttlefish - Crab - Sea urchin - Sea shell - Fortress wall - View of Dubai - Fortress wall - View of Dubai - Sheik Rashid bin Said al Maktum
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Stamps of Fujeira
1964 Stamps of Fujeira - stamps #1-18 - Sheik Hamad bin Mohammed al Sharqi and Grebe - Arabian oryx - Hoopoe - Wild ass - Herons in flight - Arabian horses - Leopard - Camels - Hawks
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Stamps of Khor Fakkan
Stamps of KHOR FAKKAN 1966-73-75 Sixth International Philatelic Exibition,Washington
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Stamps of Manama
1971 Emirati Arabi Manama Navi Ships Boats Bateaux Set
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Stamps of Ras al-Khaima
1964 Stamps of Ras al-Khaima - stamp #1 Sheik Saqr bin Mohammed al Qasimi - #3 Seven Palm Trees - #6 Dhow
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Stamps of Sharjah
1963 Stamps of Sharjah - stamp #1 - Sheik Saqr bin Sultan al Qasimi, Flag and Map - #16 Malaria Eradication Emblem - #23 Red Crescent and Sheik
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Stamps of Umm al-Qiwain
1964 Stamps of Umm al-Qiwain - stamps #1-18
First Stamps of Uzbekistan
1992 Stamps of Uzbekistan - stamp #1 Princess Nadira (1792-1842) - #2 Melitaea Acreina - #3 Independence from Soviet Union, 1st Anniv. - #4 Khiva Mosque, 19th Cent. - #5 Samarkand - Winner of 1992 Aga Khan Award for Architecture
First Stamps of Viet-Nam
1951 Stamps of Viet-Nam - stamps #1-13 Emperor Bao Dai & Cities Set - Designs: Bongour Falls, Dalat - Imperial palace, Hue - Lake, Hanoi - Temple, Saigon. #16 Empress Nam-Phuong - #17 Globe and Lightning Bolt - #18 Coastal Scene and UPU Emblem - #19 Bao-Dai and Pagoda of Literature, Hanoi - 1954 #20 Crown Prince Bao-Long in Annamite Costume
First Stamps of Yemen
1926 Stamps of Yemen - For Domestic Postage - Crossed Daggers and Arabic Inscriptions - stamps #1-3
1930-52 Stamps of Yemen - For Foreign and Domestic Postage - Arabic Inscriptions - Flags of Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Iraq. Frames in Emerald - Mocha Coffee Tree - Palace, San’a - Parade Ground, San’a - Mosque, San’a - Palace of the Rock, Wadi Dhahr - Flag and View of San’a (Palace in Background)
Queen Elizabeth II Lifetime of Service Commemorative Stamp Cover
6 stamps (36 x 36mm) housed in black card mount. Issued by Isle of Mann Post Office 6th February 2011
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